I must admit that I was sold by the Surface 3 commercial. Its a tablet and a laptop replacement? Could it be? Finally - one device that does everything I need?
Sadly, this commercial was a mirage. This device is a fantastic laptop but it is not a good tablet....yet. My biggest issue is the terrible PDF apps in the Windows store. The device has amazing hardware and a REAL pen that shows true handwriting but yet does not have a PDF app worth owning that utilizes the pen. How is that possible? The iPad has at least 5 PDF apps that are superior to the Surface 3 compatible apps. Ugh.
Until I see a new PDF app available that allows me to annotate PDFs, I give the Surface 3 a C+.

Sadly, this commercial was a mirage. This device is a fantastic laptop but it is not a good tablet....yet. My biggest issue is the terrible PDF apps in the Windows store. The device has amazing hardware and a REAL pen that shows true handwriting but yet does not have a PDF app worth owning that utilizes the pen. How is that possible? The iPad has at least 5 PDF apps that are superior to the Surface 3 compatible apps. Ugh.
Until I see a new PDF app available that allows me to annotate PDFs, I give the Surface 3 a C+.